Installing PowerShell Core on Windows
Published: Feb 21, 2025
If you’re thinking of dipping your toe into PowerShell Core to see what it’s about, how it works, and what it does (it’s basically the same as PowerShell 5.1 except cross-platform as discussed in my previous post), then you need to install PowerShell Core.
Luckily it’s a standalone install and will NOT replace PowerShell 5.1 on your desktop or server, running happily side by side. Therefore it’s the perfect way to get started with it and make sure it’s compatible with your needs and scripts before making the full leap.

PowerShell Core is actually Open Source and not shipped as part of Windows etc and therefore we need to go to its GitHub page in order to download the latest and greatest version:

GitHub PowerShell Core

Then scroll down to “Get PowerShell” and select the version you require. In my case I’m going for the Stable version of the 64-bit Windows version:

Once downloaded, double click the MSI and follow through the on screen prompts. Don’t use the “Instructions” link unless you want to be confused every which way imaginable (I found the resulting web page utterly unhelpful and just confusing, especially when all you need do is double click the MSI):

You can fill these in as you please (location to install etc), the only screen of note is this:

In the above screenshot I would recommend ticking both of the circled check boxes, though that’s up to you. Aside from that a simple “Next Next Next” approach will work just fine.

Once done, you now have the option of using PowerShell 5.1 or PowerShell Core depending on which takes your fancy at that time:

Hence you can happily run them side by side as you please.

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Kutech  CEO
Kevin  Urquhart


I am a SQL Server DBA, Architect, Developer, Trainer, and the owner and CEO of Kutech. This blog has been going for nearly 10 years now over several guises and this is its new home. I hope you find it useful whatever your endeavour.


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